Benefits of Losing Weight for Pain Management

Did you know that being overweight and chronic pain can be related? Evidence has shown that obesity is significantly associated with the presence of pain, and studies have found that pain is more prevalent as a person’s BMI (Body Mass Index) increases.

Obesity and pain seem to coexist with each other. For example, being severely overweight may stress the body and cause pain. On the other hand, being in severe pain can lead to an inactive lifestyle and weight gain. Regardless of which comes first, obesity can have further negative health effects for chronic pain patients. In fact, research shows that obesity can make pain worse, compromise cardiac health, and impair function.

Obesity is also a risk factor for osteoarthritis (OA), which can lead to more chronic pain. OA of the knee or hip can be very disabling and can lead to knee or hip replacements.

Based on these findings, weight loss appears to be a key component of a patient’s pain management plan. Speak with your pain management doctor before beginning any weight loss plan.

How Weight Loss Can Help with Pain Management

A diet and/or exercise can help with weight loss. Eating healthy and regular activity work best in combination; however, not everyone may be able to exercise. Surgical weight loss may also help. While losing weight can take time, sticking to a consistent routine will help you see the results you desire.

Shedding pounds takes stress off your muscles, knees, back, and other joints. Studies have shown that a reduction in weight has helped:

Talk with your primary care doctor or visit a pain specialist at a pain clinic for help with your pain management and weight loss plan.

Apex Medical Center is a Las Vegas pain clinic that focuses on finding an effective pain management solution. Our team is standing by to help you!

Apex Medical Center

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