Are You at Risk of Developing Back Pain?

Back pain is a common problem, and anyone can develop it. Children, teens, and adults can all experience some type of back pain. In fact, back pain is the second leading reason for visiting the doctor, and about half of Americans experience back pain each year.

However, there are some factors that could put you at a higher risk of developing back pain.

Risk Factors for Developing Back Pain


While teens and children can develop back pain, your risk for back pain increases as you age. With aging, our bodies and backs experience the normal wear and tear of life. Also, older individuals have a higher risk of developing disc-related disorders.


Being overweight puts extra stress on your muscles, spine, and joints. This can lead to pain.



Certain diseases (such as arthritis) that affect the spine or back muscles can contribute to back pain. Diseases of internal organs (such as kidney stones) can also cause back pain.


Poor Posture:

Having poor posture can cause or exacerbate back pain. 


Improper Lifting:

People tend to lift with their backs instead of their knees. This is an improper lifting technique that can strain your back and cause injury and back pain.


When it comes to sports - especially contact sports - your risk for injury is high. Pulling a back muscle or injuring your spine are two possible conditions you could suffer.


Work Hazards:

Occupations that require a lot of bending, lifting, sitting, or standing could put you at risk for developing back pain.


When to See a Doctor for Back Pain

 Here are some circumstances where it is highly recommended to see a doctor for your back pain:

If you are looking for a back pain doctor in Las Vegas, contact Apex Medical Center. We are a pain management clinic in both Las Vegas and Henderson, and we will help you get the pain relief you deserve.


Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

Apex Medical Center

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