Is This What’s Triggering Your Frequent Migraine Headaches?

Is This What’s Triggering Your Frequent Migraine Headaches?

The prodrome, aura, attack, and post-drome are all too familiar to people with frequent migraine attacks. An attack can last for days; during that time, it can be all but impossible to take care of your obligations, never mind participating in enjoyable activities.

 Apex Medical Center's staff is dedicated to helping you learn to manage your pain as effectively as possible. For some migraine patients, identifying and avoiding triggers that can cause attacks. 

Everyone has different triggers, and it may take some time for you to figure out exactly what yours are. Unfortunately, triggers don't always lead to attacks; they can change over time, making it difficult to keep up with what's causing your attacks. Often, it's a combination of triggers. 

In this post, we look at some of the most common triggers. If you're experiencing frequent migraines, look closely at these triggers. 

1. Stress

Stress is unavoidable, and it's not all bad. Stress can help you get through some sticky situations. But, when it's chronic, or you experience stress and other potential triggers, it can cause problems. 

According to the American Migraine Foundation, stress is a trigger for around 70% of people who have migraines. So, what can you do if stress is unavoidable? It's much easier to say "lower your stress levels" than to do it. 

For one thing, you can begin thinking about what's stressful in your life and begin making small changes. Schedule time each day to pursue a hobby. We can also suggest specific approaches, such as biofeedback, relaxation therapy, or other modalities that may help. 

2. Sleep

Closely connected to stress is sleep. Having a consistent schedule and getting enough high-quality sleep has a surprising impact on your overall health. Good sleep can affect weight gain/loss and overall stress and can limit the number of migraines you experience. 

Since it's often combinations of triggers that lead to attacks, consider the implications of being stressed to the point it affects your sleep. It's like a recipe for a migraine attack. 

3. Hormonal fluctuations

Women are about three times more likely than men to experience migraines, and often, attacks appear to correlate with their menstrual cycles. Some forms of birth control can help level out your hormonal fluctuations and may be a promising approach for limiting the number of attacks you experience

4. Diet and nutrition

From the foods and beverages you consume to the times you consume them, what you eat and drink can trigger migraine attacks. It can vary—for some people, caffeine is a trigger. For others, skipping a meal or becoming thirsty can be a trigger. 

Aside from eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet and tracking what you eat to see if you can find a specific trigger, you can do a few things that may help. You can eat at regular intervals and try to avoid skipping meals, for example. You can also keep a water bottle handy so you don't become dehydrated. 

Talk to us 

If you're experiencing frequent migraine attacks, schedule an appointment at one of the convenient locations of Apex Medical Center. Our experts are happy to discuss your circumstances and help you devise a plan that may help you limit the number of attacks you experience. 


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