Coping with Chronic Pain after a Car Accident

Common injuries caused by car accidents include whiplash and neck pain, back pain, headaches, and broken bones. It is important to seek out medical attention as soon as these injuries occur. However, sometimes the pain from these injuries can persist months after the car crash. If you find yourself suffering from prolonged pain from a car accident, you may want to consider visiting a pain clinic.
Treating Chronic Pain from Car Accident Injuries
Pain specialists at a pain clinic will be able to evaluate and provide diagnostic tests to determine the best treatment options for your pain. Pain clinics understand that each injury and person is different. Therefore, each treatment plan needs to be individualized.
Whiplash is a common injury suffered by victims of a car accident. Whiplash is a type of neck strain that occurs when there is an abrupt forward or backward jerking of the head. The pain of whiplash may not be felt right away. Typical whiplash symptoms include neck stiffness, headaches, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, and dizziness. A CT scan or MRI may be needed to diagnose the injury. Short term treatment may involve pain medicine and ice. Long term treatment may include physical therapy, injections, heat, and massages.
Back and Neck Pain
According to the Mayo Clinic, car and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of spinal injuries and account for over 35% of new spinal injuries each year. If you experience neck or back pain after an accident, seek out medical help. While it may be a muscle strain, it could be something more serious. A doctor will be able to evaluate and diagnose the injury.
Along with whiplash, other spine injuries include spondylolisthesis and disc herniation. Spondylolisthesis occurs when a vertebra slides out of place. This can lead to a pinched nerve and can cause pain and weakness. Serious cases of this injury can lead to loss of control over your bowels and bladder.
A herniated disc, on the other hand, occurs when the cushiony disc between the vertebra slips or bugles out. This can irritate the nerves in the area and cause pain, weakness, and numbness in an arm or leg. Some treatment options for a herniated disc include pain medicine, muscle relaxers, ice or heat, physical therapy, injections, and surgery.
If you are looking for a pain clinic in Henderson or Las Vegas, contact Apex Medical Center. We have multiple locations in the Las Vegas and Henderson area.
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